My Nutrition Heals


Allison T.

A campaign by Nutrition Heals

  • $1,500
    Raised of $2,000
  • 1
75 %
This campaign will keep all money contributed.
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A campaign by Nutrition Heals
8 campaigns, 9 contributions
Allison T.
I was a part-time university student, part-time waitress, full-time business owner and full-time single Mom to 9 and 11 year old boys.  That Fall I was constantly sick, experiencing some serious bathroom issues and losing weight rapidly. I chocked it up to stress, too much coffee and hemorrhoids. In typical ‘Type A’ fashion, instead of taking better care of myself and listening to my body, I decided to train for a half- marathon. 
I was dangerously anemic and required three blood transfusions. After a week of invasive tests, a colonoscopy confirmed intestinal bleeding and Ulcerative Colitis. The GI doctor explained that UC had no cure, would increase my risk for colon cancer, and that cases like mine ultimately required surgery. I asked if it were possible to heal my intestines by following a strict diet or taking natural supplements instead of medications. He laughed and said holistic medicine was a waste of time and money and that UC had nothing to do with nutrition. The next day, I left the hospital in a state of shock: twenty pounds underweight, three prescriptions in hand, and very little hope. The medicine wasn't working and I was forced to take a leave of absence from school and was no longer able to manage my cleaning business. Within two years, I ran out of savings and my children and I were forced to leave our beloved shore community behind and move in with my Mom. My GI doctor had nothing to offer but bad news and more medications I knew wouldn't help.  I decided to research alternative therapies and about 6 months ago I was able to slowly wean off of prescription medications with the help of a strict autoimmune diet and natural supplements. With daily meditation and yoga, I felt relaxed for the first time in my life. Although I am feeling much more vibrant and healthy, I don’t know how stable my remission is or how long my "self-doctoring" will work. I want to find and afford a supportive doctor who can offer more than medication as treatment. I am also interested in food sensitivity testing and other avenues of therapy that I can not explore because of my limited financial means. With your help and donations, I can afford an Ulcerative Colitis knowledgeable doctor who can provide education and access to alternative therapies and testing, and help me maintain my health and independence so I can keep moving forward with my life.